Monday, May 1, 2017

Lighting Design


Room Index
               The absolute values of room dimensions are not important; it is the relationship between area, parameter and height of the source of light which matters. It is found convenient to describe room proportions in term of room index.

Room Index, k =               LW        
                                                   Hm (L + W)

Where,  L = Length
                W = Width
                Hm = height of luminaries above the working plane

Mounting Height (HM)
               Mounting height usually is the vertical distance between a luminaire and the working plane, but it is sometimes the distance between the luminaire and the floor.

Utilization Factor (UF)
               U.F is the local flux reaching the working plane (or some other specified surface) divided by the total lamp flux. The value of the ratio depends partly on the room size and reflectance.

Light Loss Factor (LLF)
               The ratio of the illuminance provide at some stated time to the initial illuminance i.e after 100 hours. LLF is the product of the lamp lumen maintenance factor (LLMF), the luminaire maintenance factor (LMF) and the room surface maintenance factor (LMF) and the room surface maintenance factor (SRSMF)

Lumens and lumen-hours
               It would strictly be better to say “lumen output” or “total luminous flux” since the lumen measure flow rather the cumulative quantity a lamp which fail after 1100 hours delivering an average flux of 700 lumens has given a light output of 770,000 lumen-hours, but rarely concerned with this and in ordinary way we speak of a “light output” of 700 lumens.

               The illuminance of a surface is a measure of the concentration of light falling on it. To express it in numbers we need unit of light the lumen (lm). Thus we can say that the output of a 18W PLC tube downlight is 1250 lumens or that the recommended illuminance for a particular location is so many lumens per unit area.

               Illuminance is measured in lumens per square meter “lux”

Example for required Light Quantity
The store measuring 18.5m x 8.4m with 3.85 lamp height is to be provided with an illuminance consistence with good practice.
·        150 LUX requirement
·        Using 2 x 36W Mirror recessed light fitting (5400 lumens)
·        Assume reflectance of the ceiling is 0.5 and walls is 0.3

The first step is to calculate the flux received on the room.
               Flux received      = illuminance x area
                                             = 150 x (18.5 x 8.4)
                                             = 23,310 lumens

The flux which must be installed is such that when multiplied by utilization factor and by the light loss factor the resulting product is equal to the flux received.
               Flux installed x UF x LLF   = 23,310

In absence of special information it is normal to assume the light loss factor to be 0.75. To find the utilization factor we must first work out the room index
Room Index, k   =             LW        
                                                   Hm (L + W)
                                             =     18.5 x 8.4    
                                                  3.85 (18.5 + 8.4)
                                             = 1.5

Turning to the table utilization factor giving values for this type luminaire (Appendix I), for a room index 1.5 and ceiling and wall reflectances of 0.5 and 0.3 respectively we find that the UF is 0.38.
               Installed Flux      =        23,310      
                                                   0.38 x 0.75
                                             = 81,894.74 lumens

               Required quantity of light =    81,894.74 
                                                               = 15.16 Nos.

               Thus the number of Light fitting needed is 16 Nos.
In practice, the fast calculation can do as follows:-
Quantity of Light Fitting =            Area x Lux          
                                                 Lumens x LLF x UF
                                                            =      (18.5 x 8.4) x 150     
                                                                5400 x 0.75 x 0.38
                                                            = 15.145

                                                            = 16 Nos.

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